the Masters Won't Tell you"

have 50 different DVD's on self defense and martial arts... I
want to let you know that your DVD's are the best ones. You are
a great educator and teacher and you make it easy to learn.
purchased all of your DVD's. And it is worth every dollar I spent
on it.
San Antonio, TX
You've just found the most
effective, realistic and easy
to learn system of self defense
on earth...
you been searching for a simple, yet effective
method of self-defense that really works?
you figured out yet that most martial arts
schools, videos and seminars teach a lot of stuff
that doesn't work on the street?
there really a way you can learn to defend
yourself in virtually any situation, quickly and easily?
you, this video is uncommon, the experience, the passion,
the training, the techniques... In one word this...
is extraordinary!"
Didier Samama, New York, NY
Truth Is...
of what is taught in most martial arts schools, self defense
seminars and videos...just won't work on the street!
After over
40 years of studying and teaching martial arts I can tell
you beyond any doubt that most of what is being taught
today in martial arts schools, seminars and videos...
just won't work in a real street attack!
It's true.
And it's a darn shame. So many unsuspecting, poorly trained
and totally clueless folks are walking around with a false
security. They believe the moves and techniques they were
taught in their local martial arts school or a seminar
they attended, will really work in an honest to goodness,
no holds barred, street attack.
what's wrong with most traditional training?
Let me tell
I have been
teaching martial arts for a many years. For a long time
I taught much the same way everyone else did. Sure it
worked fine in the studio, but I often wondered how it
would work on the street.
I had heard
and read about experienced black belts being utterly trounced
by ordinary street thugs. What about what I was teaching?
Would it really work if called upon, to protect my students
and their loved ones?
This question
bothered me for a long time.
it wasn’t until I had the chance to fight the “Bulletman”
that I really learned what would work on the street!
me explain. A number of years ago I was attending a national
martial arts convention. This guy was up on stage talking
about adrenaline stress response training. I had never
heard about it at the time. The instructor was talking
about the effects of fear induced adrenaline on the mind
and body during an actual street attack. I was intrigued.
speaker asked for a few volunteers. Several men and a
women were chosen to go up on stage. The next thing that
happened had most of us feeling the effects of adrenaline,
right in our seats.
guy comes out in this weird looking suit. He has football
shoulder pads and some obvious groin protection. On his
head he wore a huge piece of headgear which I found out
later was a professional football helmet with four layers
of special density foam padding wrapped in silver tape.
called this ‘monster’ the Bulletman, obviously because
of the silver round headgear that looked like the top
of a bullet. One of the volunteers was asked to come out.
The instructions were to try to maneuver around the Bulletman
without getting too close. If the Bulletman attacked they
could strike him full force into the groin and head.
action began…
Bulletman starts screaming at this guy. He shouts obscenities
at him. He taunts him. He faints attacks as he threatens
the guy. I could feel my gut shaking just sitting there.
Then suddenly the Bulletman attacks. The poor guy attempts
some foolhardy kick which embarrassingly misses the mark
by about a foot. Next a punch that had less impact than
my eight year old grandson could muster. After a few more
minutes of this hideous display a women instructor blows
a whistle and the whole thing is over.
few more volunteers and about the same result. Now here
is the interesting part. Everyone of these volunteers
were experienced black belts. Some were school
owners with a dozen years or so of experience.
why did this happen?
all fell prey to the natural effects of adrenaline on
the mind and body. Adrenaline is the natural result of
fear induced aggression. It really can’t be stopped, but
it can be focused and used. These black belt volunteers
had tried to use their dojo techniques (traditional martial
arts techniques). What they hadn’t anticipated was that
the adrenaline had dulled their senses. It minimized their
fine motor skills, it gave them tunnel vision and even
affected their cognitive thinking.
out taking this adrenal rush into account, effective street
self defense cannot be accomplished. To be effective,
each technique must be simple, direct and not require
fine motor coordination.
this is what I did...
I got fully trained in adrenal stress self-defense training.
I found out what would and wouldn't work under what we
call the 'adrenal dump'.
is what I learned:
The natural
effect of real aggression causes what is called an
"adrenaline dump". This fear induced high
volume shot of adrenaline is normal and natural and
cannot be stopped, even by experienced black belts.
The effects
of this "adrenaline dump" can be devastating,
especially if you are not prepared for it.
The main
problem is that many of the techniques that are taught
in traditional training are too tricky or too complicated
for the average person to properly execute. This is
especially true under the duress of an all out street
attack. Techniques that are highly complicated tend
not to be executed properly, if at all, when the pressure
is on and adrenaline levels are high.
Many of
the systems use joint locks and pressure points that
require years of training to properly execute. Sometimes
even when they are applied properly to someone who
has an unusual amount of joint flexibility or a high
resistance to pain, they don’t work.
Many of
the arts teach kicking techniques that are great for
the studio or for sport competition, but are all but
useless on the street. Unfortunately many of the practitioners
of these arts are led to believe that they can really
use these kicks effectively in a combat situation.
They end up with a false security believing they can
defend themselves with such techniques. In reality,
if they ever have to really fight, they usually get
themselves into trouble very quickly.
Many techniques
require years of training or are just impossible to
learn unless you are under the direct training of
the master instructor. You cannot learn these properly
from a video, book or seminar. They take years to
perfect, even under the supervision of an expert instructor.
of what is taught is just fluff! It doesn't stand
a chance to work in a real street attack!
The solution
was developing a system that contained the following benefits: |
It had
to address the inevitable adrenaline dump which is
the natural effect of fear induced aggression.
It had
to be simple enough to teach students in days or weeks
instead of years!
It had
to be effective regardless of the body type of the
It had
to be quick, effective and decisive!
It had
to address real street "situations" instead
of the typical studio environment.
It had
to contain a minimum amount of techniques. This was
necessary as research has shown that as few as a handful
of techniques can be recalled when fully "adrenalized".
It had
to be designed to defeat a much larger and stronger
It had
to be easy to learn.
it had to be direct, powerful and yet simple and straight
forward enough to be taught through video based training.
So I went to
work analyzing, adjusting, changing, modifying and fine
tuning everything I was doing and teaching in my self
defense program. Believe me, it wasn't easy, even for
an 'expert' with over 30 years of training at the time.
During the
next several years I searched everywhere and every way
to simplify, and improve every aspect of our self-defense
system. This search included going to seminars, visiting
other schools, bringing in guest instructors and reviewing
close to 100 self defense videos.
I was sifting
through masses of information to pick up a gem here and
there. Every thing I learned and tried had to go through
what I call the "Adrenal Stress Filter'. It had to
work under duress and high adrenal states. Slowly I made
changes to what we taught and how we taught it. Constantly
modifying, perfecting and refining our program to what
it is today.
We took each
one of the possible attacks and developed a system that
took into consideration the 'adrenal dump' which causes
us to freeze up and lose fine motor coordination.
We eliminated
any response that did not fit into this reality. We added
more simple, direct and extremely effective strikes, moves
and techniques that could be learned simply and easily.
And, did not require years of training.
Finally we
condensed this entire process into a simple, organized
system of instruction. To help our students learn the
system we decided to carefully put the entire process
on DVD. It's done in a step by step manner so that even
a total beginner can learn it.

Listen to what
just a few of my students have to say...
trained with other instructors, even in the military,
but Shihan Pace's system of self defense is the most effective
and practical by far."
S. Christensen, Hamburg, NJ
trained over 20 years in Uechi Ryu karate before coming
to Mr. Pace, I had an extensive background in self defense.
I've learned more about street fighting tactics in the
last two years than in my 20 years of prior training."
J. Burka, Wantage, NJ
a women, it's important that your first strike is your
best one, as you might not get a second chance. Shihan
Pace's system is awesome. Quick, simple and easy to learn."
Dr. Laurie LaSorsa, Chester, NJ
Pace's method of teaching self defense is awesome. None
of the fluff you get from most videos I've seen. Just
real, down and dirty, street techniques that really work.
Everyone should have his video."
G. Tizzano, Franklin, NJ
the best of the best. Finally some stuff that really works
on the street."
C. Manzione, Vernon, NJ
a technique I learned from Shihan Pace, I dropped a would
be attacker with one well placed blow. This guy was twice
my size."
T. Akos, Oak Ridge, NJ
Pace is the real thing. His self defense system is quick,
effective and powerful. I will only teach his techniques
at my dojo."
T. Joseph, 5th Degree Black Belt, Fairfield,
videos we created for my students are now available to the
general public on DVD. The entire system is called... |
Street Self Defense 101®
The Complete Course
"The most effective, realistic
and easy to learn
system of self defense on earth!"
It contains
step by step lessons to effectively learn and practice all
of what you need to know to defend yourself on the street. |
How to
defend against the 30 most common street attacks!
and effective escapes and releases from non life threatening
"annoyance" attacks.
The art
of using good verbal and spatial skills to prevent
many assaults from becoming physical in the first
against the 'sucker punch'! One of the most common
attacks by muggers, brawlers and street criminals.
How to
execute the "stop hit". This one stops them
in their tracks!
Targeting techniques that will drop a man of any size.
defenses against a 'kicker'.
your reaction time by watching certain movements.
disabling techniques to drop even the biggest of attackers.
from chokes, headlocks and strangles.
counter attacks!
from on your back against punches and chokes.
from collar grabs, full nelsons and arm locks.
against clubs, sticks and bats.
yourself from the most common of all mugging attacks.
your attack at the right time!

Easy to
learn advanced techniques against the most common
street attacks!
How to
use every inch of your body to develop devastating
the "stop hit" to destroy your attacker!
defenses against the most common attacks.
effectively with distance.
How to
defend against an attacker who attempts to pick you
up... and slam you down.
your attacker into a head first 'pile driver'.
How to
anticipate certain types of attacks. This gives you
an almost 'unfair advantage'.
techniques to defend against headlocks, chokes and
throws against the common street attacks.
techniques against a good kicker.
and stopping an armed assailant.
and rear gun defenses.
in your self defense skills so they are automatic.
How to
instantly disable even the toughest of street criminals.
against the blade! Knife defenses you must know.
Plus much
learn all this quickly and easily, regardless of your
athletic ability... in a way that's fun and exciting
to practice. You'll be able to use these techniques
the same day as you get the videos!
just gave my first self defense course to a group of home
schooling moms here in San Antonio. They had a great time.
I showed them your DVD's, and I encouraged them to go
to your website and purchase them. I plan to really push
your teaching program, because I think you are the best
teacher out there. I have over 100 DVD's from various
teachers, and Mike, you are the best."
John Axsom San Antonio, Texas
what's included...
Self Defense 101 The Basics- Easy to learn self defense
that really works. Learn the basics of SSD-101 system.
More Information.
Self Defense 101 Volume I - Realistic and practical self
defense against the 30 most common street attacks.
More Information.
Self Defense 101 Volume II - Realistic and practical self
defense against the most common street attacks including
club, knife and gun attacks.
Self Defense 101 Volume III - Groundfighting. Easy to
learn, practical defenses from the ground - 2 DVDs-
More Information.
Self Defense 101 Volume IV- Multiple Attackers. Learn
how to deal with more than one attacker at the same time.
More Information.
on the Street - How to have an unfair advantage over any
attacker. Tips, tricks and technical skills. More
of the Body - Using natures 'tools' of self defense. How
to convert your body into a human weapon. More
Sense - Smart Self Defense for Women - The most practical
and realistic women's self defense DVD ever produced.
More Information.
Impact - Gaining an Unfair Advantage with Unconventional
Weapons - Learn to turn everything around you into a devastating
weapon of self defense.
More Information.
Defense - 'Antifreeze' Training - Adrenal Stress Response
Training - Taught by Bill Kipp, adrenal stress response
training expert. More
F.A.S.T. Defense Basics DVD - A video seminar by Bill
Kipp. Learn how to teach children to deal with bullies
and abductors. More
Self Defense 101 Volume I Visual Guide and Manual. A step
by step visual guide and manual to compliment the Volume
I video on CD in PDF format. View on your computer or
print it out for easy practicing.
Self Defense 101 Volume II Visual Guide and Manual. A
step by step visual guide and manual to compliment the
Volume II video on CD in PDF format. View on your computer
or print it out for easy practicing.
Self Defense & Tactical Combatives - Techniques that
are taught to Special Forces and Navy Seals. CD. Book
in PDF format.
More Information.
Marines Close Combat Manual (LINE Manual) on CD. Book
in PDF format.
Army Special Forces Hand to Hand Fighting. 120 page Manual
on CD. Book in PDF format.
to Fight Tough by Heavyweight Champion, Jack Dempsey.
A United States Coast Guard Training book on CD in PDF
In total there
are 13 DVDs and six books on CD. |
My videos are
a small price to pay for a little insurance. Look, we
live in a dangerous world today. According to the F.B.I....
is a violent crime every 22 seconds, 24 hours a day
in the U.S.
the year 2000 there were over fifteen thousand murders,
almost two per hour!
forcible rapes, one every six minutes!
3,600 aggravated assaults and robberies every day!
One every 24 seconds!
car jackings and attempts of car-jacking!
burglary every 15.4 seconds!
Here are
a few comments from past buyers of our videos.
videos are a life saver! I recently was able to fend off
a street thug by simply showing the confidence I got from
the tapes. By my attitude and demeanor, the thug decided
I wasn't going to to a victim. Thanks!"
Richard Jorandby, Juniper, FL
am only 5' 1" and petite. I am glad I found something
I can use in a real life situation. These videos are great!"
Lathsamee Sirowanta, Goleta, LA
videos are great! I feel it took my confidence and ability
to a whole new level. The videos are straight, concise
and to the point. They show you exactly how to protect
yourself. Thanks!"
John Dan Tobitt, Normandy, TN
video demonstrates "no-nonsense" self defense
techniques. Shihan Pace does an excellent job of cutting
away all of the frills and just teaching life saving techniques."
Chad Kroll, Mars Hill, NC
Videos! Very easy to understand, with concepts and techniques
clearly demonstrated. These videos are invaluable for
anyone looking to develop a new level of confidence in
dealing with and defusing potentially hostile situations."
Mark Northam, Glendale, CA
ordered other self defense tapes but Street Self Defense
101 is better than any I have seen. Very easy to learn
and remember, must be the flow of the way that it is taught.
Simple to learn, just as promised.!"
Ken R. Maret, Lincoln, NE
videos are great! The content was 'to the point' and easy
to learn from. These two videos taught me more usable
combat techniques in two hours then I have learned from
from any martial arts class or the military."
Rob Rice, Greenville, NC
a Million"
"I would like to thank you for all your self-defense
videos. I watched one of your videos on how to defend
against a choke and it saved my life. Someone at a parking
lot started choking me and I was able to execute the techniques
automatically and run to safety. Your information saved
my life. Thank you so much and have a great new year."
Eric Kap, Vancouver British Columbia
All testimonials
on file.
While there
are no guarantees in life, why not give yourself the best
chance possible. Whether you are a complete beginner or
have some training, this DVD training course is for you.
The total retail
price of all the DVDs, training manuals and books on CD
is over $600.00. If you purchased all the materials individually
on our special sale page you would still pay over $450.00.
Our special price for the entire course which contains over
12 hours on DVD and 6 complete books on CD is only $299.
But for a limited
time you can get the entire Street
Self Defense 101 - The Complete Course for only
$199 plus shipping
and handling!
Why such a deep discount of over $400 from retail? Well,
we know that many of our viewers are past customers who
have purchased one or more of our products. So we decided
to discount this package so much that it would be a no brainer
to get the Complete Course even though they might end up
with a few duplicate DVDs. |
this really work for you?
you you really learn from a videos or must you have
hands on instruction? The techniques I teach in Street
Self Defense 101 are easy to learn, simple to
execute and very effective.
use the principle of 'point of reference repetition'.
What this means is that while the initial response to
various attacks may be somewhat different, the follow-up
responses are the same or very similar. This requires
that you learn many fewer techniques and makes learning
much easier to remember.
have heard from hundreds of satisfied buyers of our
videos. Read what just a few of them are saying here.
ordering On-line and from us safe?
website uses a Verisign Secure server with 128 bit encryption.
This means your personal information is kept safe and
secure. We ship out our orders within a few days. Our
company name, address and phone number are listed at
the bottom of this page. Our bank is Lakeland Bank,
in Vernon, NJ (973-764-3100). The branch manager is
Jen Harkey.
is our guarantee!
Order your
Street Self Defense 101® Complete Course today.
Watch them. Try them out. Practice my techniques for a
full 90 days. And, if for any reason you feel they are
not all I say they are and more. Or, you just don't feel
they are worth every penny that you paid for them. Simply
return them for a full, no questions asked, refund (less
You see, you
have absolutely no risk. If you are not 100% satisfied
for any reason, simply return the DVDs.
Look, you don't
need years of training. You don't have to be strong or
fast. You just need the proper knowledge and to start
practicing the right way to defend yourself on the street!
you order today, we will include about fifteen minutes
of Special Bonus Footage (added to Street Self
Defense 101 Volume I). See this technology in action.Watch
as participants of special adrenal stress response training
seminars "fight" off padded assailants
with full power, all out attacks. See single
and multiple attacks, ground fighting and weapon attacks.
This exciting free bonus footage is available
on DVD if you order today!
Ordering is easy! For US and Candian orders please
click on our order information page to the left, below.
All other countries please click on the International
link on the right.
USA & Canadian Order
International Order
PS Yes
I am a real instructor and I teach five days a week at my
own dojo (training hall) but we are teaching skills that
really do work on the street! |
PPS Make
sure you order by the deadline to take advantage of our
special sale and bonus offer! |
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